#155: Initiate (Part 1)

#155: Initiate (Part 1)

#155: Initiate (Part 1)

by HopeNet Radio | Podcast

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen
Terra Kay @terrakfree

Jeff and Terra Kay kick off a new series called Initiate this week. This is all about looking at the building blocks of the Christian faith. Terra shares her story about how she got into anti-human trafficking work. Happy 2017, too!

Make each conversation count this week. You could save a life.

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Show Notes

Become a Live Coach | Damascus Road | Recharge 2017 | Silver Birch Ranch’s 50th Summer!

Human Trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, transporting, obtaining or maintaining of a person by means of…

FORCE (rape, beatings, constraint, confinement, torture)
FRAUD (false, or deceptive offers)
COERCION (threats of serious harm; any threat intended to make victim believe that failure to comply would result in retaliation) for the purpose of a commercial sex act, or in which the person induced to perform such an act is under 18 years of age.


Human Trafficking is simply a politically correct phrase for what is Modern Day Slavery

Human Trafficking includes:

Sex Trafficking – victim forced into commercial sex trade against their will.
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) – forced sexual services of children
Labor Trafficking – forced labor or services in Domestic Servitude, Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Construction, Factories, Service Industry, Hotels, Restaurants, Nail Salons and more.

Learn more.

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#154: It’s Christmas!

#154: It’s Christmas!

#154: It's Christmas!

by HopeNet Radio | Podcast

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen
Dave Wager @wagerdaw
Terra Kay @terrakfree

Christmas is here! For many, it’s a joyous time of year. But for many, it’s full of memories of pain, mistakes and regret. Jeff and Dave have put together a unique edition of HopeNet Radio that focus on the Christmas story. We hope to make your Christmas a little warmer, a little brighter with some of our stories and favorite scripture reading selections about the real Christmas story … Jesus’ birth. Enjoy.

Make each conversation count this week. You could save a life.

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Show Notes

Become a Live Coach | Nicolet Bible Institute | Silver Birch Ranch’s 50th Summer!


Welcome to a very special Christmas edition of HopeNet Radio. I’m your host, Jeff. Tonight, Dave and I wish you a very merry Christmas, the day we focus our minds and hearts on the moment that history changed for all humanity… the day God came to be with us.

For most of you listening to the broadcast, Christmas day is winding down. If you’re listening on the podcast, you’re probably fixing something made of plastic or returning gifts. Regardless, Christmas is a special time. And tonight Dave, Terra Kay and I hope to help you realize the joy that this day brings.

All too often, we get caught up in the whirlwind of gatherings, meals, gift exchanges, festivities, and the all-too-common clean up when all is said and done. Some of us are battling depression and an overwhelming sense of grief this year.

So, tonight, or whenever you find yourself listening to this show, we hope to make your Christmas a little warmer, a little brighter with some of our stories and favorite scripture reading selections about the real Christmas story … Jesus’ birth. Enjoy.

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#154: It’s Christmas!

#153: Getting Into The Christmas Spirit

#153: Getting Into The Christmas Spirit

by HopeNet Radio | Podcast

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen
Dave Wager @wagerdaw
Jason Kemper @kempster220

Many of life’s greatest gifts and pleasures cannot be wrapped. The Christmas Spirit is one of them. On this episode, Jeff and Dave share ideas and experiences that have helped put Christmas in the right perspective. Listen and share your thoughts.

Make each conversation count this week. You could save a life.

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#154: It’s Christmas!

#152: ‘Tis The Season For Peace

#152: 'Tis The Season For Peace

by HopeNet Radio | Podcast

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen
Dave Wager @wagerdaw
Jason Kemper @kempster220

Jeff and Dave have a few tips to help you discover peace in your life. Did you know that you can have peace in life even with a list of deadlines and appointments? This week, ask someone how they maintain peace in their life and have a conversation about it. Or look at your life. Do you have peace? Listen to the episode and share your thoughts.

Make each conversation count this week. You could save a life.

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Show Notes

Become a Live Coach | Nicolet Bible Institute

The greatest gifts can't be wrapped. The greatest gift is caring for others. Share on X

Dave: “There are moments where children will be children. Don’t ruin your life because of it. Don’t ruin theirs.”

Jeff: ”

Jason: “Set your heart right. Look for ways where you can bless others this Christmas season.”


Thoughts on Peace

  1. Peace begins in your heart. No one else can choose peace for you. Nobody can bring you peace. You have to cultivate it by going to the One who brings peace.
  2. Think about the different ways we all try to find peace for our lives… self-medicate, distance ourselves from normal healthy relationships, religious rituals (buddhism, new age spirituality, yoga…), seek romantic “no strings attached” relationships… We are always pursuing personal, inner peace.
  3. Loss of peace when you feel that you have no choice or less desirable options to pick from this Christmas. Unforeseen bills, strained relationships
  4. Peace over the snowball effect of focusing on one small problem that leads to a focus on more and larger problems.
  5. Peace comes when you submit to the authority God places over you.


Are you faced with a chaotic situation where you feel helpless and peace is lacking (family, workplace, etc)?

When you come into a place where peace is lacking, instead of focusing on what stresses you out about the situation, look for the opportunity to bring calm and comfort. Ask for God’s help.


God Sent Us Peace

The promise that came with God sending Jesus to Earth was, “Peace on Earth, goodwill to all men.”

God did not send Jesus to make war with men on Earth. Instead, Jesus came to this world to with us in such a way where it brought true and everlasting peace between God and mankind.

Read Ephesians 2

God is not at war with you. But if you are not in God’s family and do not have the Spirit of God alive in you, your heart of flesh will always be bent to war against God, knowingly or unknowingly. The heart of man will always war with God because of our natural bend to sin. This is interesting because if you do not have peace with God, you will never have a sense of peace that your heart is longing for.


Where is your place where you are at peace?

Room in your house?
Some other place you visit frequently? Cabin… etc?

I feel most at peace when _________ (I’m hanging with friends, I’m at my cabin, I’m doing something I enjoy doing, I read my Bible…)


We each have a unique opportunity

We each have a unique opportunity to help cultivate peace in the lives of those around us this Christmas. The difficulty will continue to be whether we decide to not worry about my comfortability or inconveniences to make it so.

True peace cannot be manufactured by yourself. It comes in knowing Jesus and having your identity firmly established in Him. This is so that when all else fails you, your peace will remain intact knowing that God is for you. Jesus left us with His peace, which extends over every circumstance and season of life. You can experience loss and still have peace.

Peace == Clarity
Chaos == Confusion

The longer you focus on your problems, the more you’ll lack peace. Problems will always rob you of peace. Pursuit of the promises of God will guarantee clarity that comes with God’s peace.

How are you activating God’s peace in your life? A stranger’s life? A friend’s life?
How is the lack of peace between you and another person affecting other relationships or areas of your life?
Are you doing something to hinder God’s peace in your life?


Further reading

Promises of God (Got Questions)

Selected Promises of God

Claiming God’s Promises

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#154: It’s Christmas!

#151: ‘Tis The Season For Joy

#151: 'Tis The Season For Joy

by HopeNet Radio | Podcast

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen
Dave Wager @wagerdaw
Jason Kemper @kempster220

The hustle and bustle is in full swing as we get ready for Christmas. But for many of us, the sense of joy isn’t with us at this time of year. Whether you’re dealing with grief or a difficult life season, Jeff and Dave hope to make your week a little brighter as we dive into what it means to have joy.

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Show Notes

Become a Live Coach | Nicolet Bible Institute

If you seek joy, you'll never find it. Share on X


Sometimes, your expectations can rob you of joy.

When your expectations are only focused on self and your desires, joy will elude. You’ll find joy when you choose to help others find joy.


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Post Truth

Oxford Dictionaries has selected “post-truth” as 2016’s international word of the year, after the contentious “Brexit” referendum and an equally divisive U.S. presidential election caused usage of the adjective to skyrocket, according to the Oxford University Press.

The dictionary defines “post-truth” as “relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief.” (Source)

It reminds me more of post-modernism, which has been around for a long time.

Your circumstances do not have to rob you of your joy.

I know this seems backwards, but check it out. Every day, you get to choose how you respond to challenges and adversity. You can choose to focus on what you cannot change, or decide to focus on what does not change.


Joy and happiness are different.

You might not feel happy all the time. But you can rest in knowing that God is working for you and is working all things together for good. That brings joy.


Random Acts of Kindness

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#150: How to Face Adversity & Win

#150: How to Face Adversity & Win

#150: How to Face Adversity & Win

by HopeNet Radio | Podcast

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen
Dave Wager @wagerdaw
Terra Kay @terrakfree
Mike Jewell

Adversity happens more often than we’d wish and lasts longer than we’d like. Sometimes, we can even allow the weight of the situation affect our minds in a way where we begin to question our purpose and meaning in life. This week, Jeff and Dave talk about ways to cultivate an attitude of thankfulness and one amazing story that is sure to touch your heart.

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Show Notes

How a man’s chance encounter with a little girl gave him new purpose in life – CBS News

An unexpected but powerful friendship is the focus of this installment of “A More Perfect Union.” The series looks at unique connections to highlight how Americans have more in common than headlines might suggest. CBS News correspondent Steve Hartman shows us how an 82-year-old widower was touched by an innocent question in the canned food aisle of a grocery store when he needed it most. READ


Show notes coming soon…

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