#166: Healers Need Healing: Let’s Talk About Burdens

#166: Healers Need Healing: Let’s Talk About Burdens

#166: Healers Need Healing: Let's Talk About Burdens

by HopeNet Radio | Podcast

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw | Terra Kay @terrakfree

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Why is it that you never see your favorite superheroes checking in to the doctor’s office? Is it that we portray the image that in order to be a “hero” to someone that you have to be almost invincible to pain or suffering?

Depression and other mental health struggles do not discriminate. An important part of any kind of human service or ministry is to be mentally and spiritually well. Too often, in our flesh, we try to mask the perceived weaknesses associated with depression, anxiety, and emotional suffering that it eventually leads to burnout or a host of other problems.

This week, we’re saying, “NO MORE!”

It is time to step out of that darkness and open the doors for conversations to save our leaders, healers, and ministers. But how do we do it? Where do we start? Is this even possible in a world that tends to shy away from embracing vulnerability?

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11 + 15 =

#155: Initiate (Part 1)

#155: Initiate (Part 1)

#155: Initiate (Part 1)

by HopeNet Radio | Podcast

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen
Terra Kay @terrakfree

Jeff and Terra Kay kick off a new series called Initiate this week. This is all about looking at the building blocks of the Christian faith. Terra shares her story about how she got into anti-human trafficking work. Happy 2017, too!

Make each conversation count this week. You could save a life.

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Show Notes

Become a Live Coach | Damascus Road | Recharge 2017 | Silver Birch Ranch’s 50th Summer!

Human Trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, transporting, obtaining or maintaining of a person by means of…

FORCE (rape, beatings, constraint, confinement, torture)
FRAUD (false, or deceptive offers)
COERCION (threats of serious harm; any threat intended to make victim believe that failure to comply would result in retaliation) for the purpose of a commercial sex act, or in which the person induced to perform such an act is under 18 years of age.


Human Trafficking is simply a politically correct phrase for what is Modern Day Slavery

Human Trafficking includes:

Sex Trafficking – victim forced into commercial sex trade against their will.
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) – forced sexual services of children
Labor Trafficking – forced labor or services in Domestic Servitude, Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Construction, Factories, Service Industry, Hotels, Restaurants, Nail Salons and more.

Learn more.

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2 + 5 =

#135: We Are Going To Make It

#135: We Are Going To Make It

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw | Terra Kay @terrakfree

On this Father’s Day, we are thinking of the fathers in Orlando grieving the loss of their son or daughter. The headlines rip at the heart of every father of the senseless shootings of Christina Grimmie and the patrons at Pulse, and the toddler killed by an alligator at Walt Disney World.

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Show Notes

Pulse shooting in Orlando is being called the biggest terror attack on the US since 9/11. How do we process tragedy like this as it impacts an entire nation? Here are 5 ways Christians can respond

The truth is, we don’t really know why the shootings happened, except that we live in a world full of sin around people who have their eyes set on destruction. Some think it had something to do with ISIS or simply out of hatred for LGBT people. Who knows, really? These shootings have no rationale. And how we respond is critically important. Our only remedy is to call this nation back to God.


Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu gave an appropriate response in light of the attack on Pulse.



[threecol_one]elisabethelliot[/threecol_one] [threecol_two_last]

Remembering Elisabeth Elliot and her legacy despite living through tragedy

Books by Elisabeth Elliot

Elisabeth Elliot was one of the most influential Christian women of our time. For a half century, her best selling books, timeless teachings and courageous faith have influenced believers and seekers of Jesus Christ throughout the world. She used her experiences as a daughter, wife, mother, widow, and missionary to bring the message of Christ to countless women and men around the world.

Read John Piper’s thoughts in the days after she passed in 2015.[/threecol_two_last]


Check it out

Ephesians 5 | Titus 3


There are enough things that divide us, that create a barrier of connection and affect interpersonal relationships. If tragedy has any upside, it’s that those barriers can come down and we can mourn with those who mourn. Differences don’t matter. Love does. Love matters. And love will win. Faith, hope and love remain. The greatest of these is love. And the truth is, we will get through. We are going to make it. -Jeff

#130: Grad Gifts You Never Knew You Needed

#130: Grad Gifts You Never Knew You Needed

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw | Terra Kay @terrakfree

Graduation season is upon us! It’s the time of year where grads reap the benefits of years of hard work – or so it seems. Here is our list of gifts you didn’t expect to get, but we think will mean more in the long run.

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Upcoming Events

May | Mental Health Month

We are partnering with the Don’t Let Go Campaign in raising awareness about mental health during the month of May. Learn more

#111: Reframing Your Life – Teen Refugee Shares His Story

#111: Reframing Your Life – Teen Refugee Shares His Story

On this episode

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw | Jason @kempster220 | Terra Kay @terrakfree

‘Tis the season of giving. This podcast is available because of the generous support from people like you who want to share hope with the world. Make a tax-deductible donation to HopeNet 360 today.

I’ll Give!

When I think of the word, reframing, I think of a building or room that’s being restored. At one point, it was new and in great shape. After a while, especially if it’s been vacant for years, things begin to warp and sag. And sometimes, in order to get back to great physical shape, walls, doorframes, ceilings and stairs have to be stripped down and rebuilt.

I think the same is true for people, too. This week, we’re sitting down with Joshua, a 17-year-old refugee from Uganda and The Republic of Congo.

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Refugee Welcome Kit

Show Notes


Joshua, Jeff & Terra Kay



The Millennials have left the building | The Futures Company