by Jeff | Mar 1, 2015
Doctor says mother’s prayer restarted dead boy’s heart
Jeff and DW head back to the salt mine this week, wrapping up the Love Is series with Jason and Mike. If we say that we love someone, but have little faith that things can change for the better, do we really love? This challenging question is so important and complex, especially after being hurt over and over by someone you love.
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SERIES EPISODES: Love is Patient | Love Is Kind | Love Is Honest | Love Is Hopeful
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[Tweet “Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.”]
Show Notes
Miss part of the Love Is Series? Catch up on previous episodes here.
[Tweet “Love is like a delicious homemade, tasty scone. #HNRTB”]

Okay, well maybe that’s not the best way to describe love, but I do love a tasty scone in the morning. The point is that there are so many wild and crazy ideas of what love is. When you ask someone to define it, usually there’s a pause to think a little. How would you define “love” to someone? How do you know when you feel loved? Can you fall into love (and out of it)? Why do we do such crazy things for love today? And when we are pained by someone else, can we ever love them again?
Mentioned on the Show
Doctor says mother’s prayer restarted dead boy’s heart
LGBT group cancels protest because church is ‘too nice’
Remember, disagreement doesn’t mean that someone doesn’t love you. We can disagree with someone and still love them. How silly is it if you chose not to love someone who didn’t like pizza and you did? That’s crazy, right? Yet we see examples of this happening every day in our society that we can no longer disagree without being ridiculed or called out publicly. If we’re going to truly see love overcome in our world today, then we have to know how to agree to disagree about something and still love the person with whom we disagree. In fact, that is the essence of forgiveness. When we love others, we are willing to go the distance, knowing that reality isn’t reflective of the greatness that is to come when we are driven by hope.
by Jeff | Feb 15, 2015
The Love Is series continues this week. Being kind to someone who is kind to us is pretty easy. But what about being kind to people who aren’t kind to us or others? How are we to respond?
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SERIES EPISODES: Love is Patient | Love Is Kind | Love Is Honest | Love Is Hopeful
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Plus, Terra Kay is back on the show this week and has an update from her human trafficking awareness tour during Super Bowl week! Learn more and support local human trafficking efforts in Wisconsin through Damascus Road Project. (Link)
[Tweet “Random acts of kindness is like jumbo shrimp. Not compatible. @wagerdaw #HNRTB”]
Today wraps up Random Acts of Kindness Week. But don’t worry! Random Acts of Kindness Day is coming in November. Don’t wait for a good reason to be kind, though. Live kindly today!
[Tweet “It got to the point where I didn’t want to accept his gift. @wagerdaw #HNRTB”]
Is there ever a time where you should say no to someone’s act of kindness? Yes, unfortunately. Whenever there are strings attached, you know it’s no good. But is anyone really kind without getting something in return?
If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap.
If you want happiness for a day, go fishing.
If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune.
If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.
– Chinese Proverb
[Tweet “When we love, kindness becomes primary rather than reactionary. #HNRTB”]
We are kind because Jesus is kind first.
The Challenge
Do one kind thing for someone who you don’t like, who isn’t kind to you, or who you haven’t done something kind for in a long time. Don’t accept anything in return.
by Jeff | Oct 19, 2014
In a sexually saturated culture, what is right and what is wrong in dating? Today’s young people hear mixed messages about intimacy. We’ve got answers on tonight’s show. Joining Jeff & DW on the show: Jason, Terra Kay, and our newly installed teen panel. Tonight, it’s Jacob & Noah on the show. Will we become known as a sexually pure generation?
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Realities on Intimacy
“A new national survey of Christian men reveals shocking statistics pertaining to high rates of pornography use and addiction, plus rampant sexual infidelity among married Christian men… It’s abundantly clear that pornography is one of the biggest unaddressed problems in the church.” Read the article
“In a recent study conducted by, Christian singles between the ages of 18 to 59 were asked, “Would you have sex before marriage?” The response? Sixty-three percent of the single Christian respondents indicated yes.” Read the article
by Jeff | May 11, 2014
Tonight’s episode of HopeNet Radio is all about moms! Happy Mother’s Day to moms out there. Jeff, Dave, Kyle and Todd welcome Sandy Hartman to the show tonight to talk to a real-life mom about real-life challenges being a mom.
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Some rad things about Sandy:
She picked out her husband in a yearbook.
She has officially played Flappy Bird.
She always has a smile and her laugh is infectious.
She is a mom to kids of her own and is hosting a foreign exchange student.
Farewell, Kyle
Tonight is Kyle’s last episode with us. Recently engaged, Kyle will be moving back home to Illinois. It has been well-established that Kyle is a Bears fan, but regardless, we’re going to miss him on the show. Keep your ears peeled, he may make a cameo in future episodes. Gonna miss you, bro!
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by Jeff | Sep 5, 2013
Get out the tissues. This video ruined me. With so much going wrong in today’s world, this video is a great reminder that we all have moments. Those moments are opportunities. We can make the most of them or let them pass by. This is what love is like.
Fred Stobaugh is his name. Here’s the story on Huffington Post:
Fred Stobaugh, from Peoria, Ill., wrote the lyrics to what he called “Oh Sweet Lorraine” after his 91-year-old wife died last April. The couple met in 1938 and were married for 73 years, according to ABC News.
“Oh sweet Lorraine,” the song begins. “I wish we could do all the good times over again.”
Stobaugh, who’s not a musician, entered the lyrics into a singer-songwriter contest at Green Shoes Studios in Illinois.
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