On this Father’s Day, we are thinking of the fathers in Orlando grieving the loss of their son or daughter. The headlines rip at the heart of every father of the senseless shootings of Christina Grimmie and the patrons at Pulse, and the toddler killed by an alligator at Walt Disney World.
Pulse shooting in Orlando is being called the biggest terror attack on the US since 9/11. How do we process tragedy like this as it impacts an entire nation? Here are 5 ways Christians can respond
The truth is, we don’t really know why the shootings happened, except that we live in a world full of sin around people who have their eyes set on destruction. Some think it had something to do with ISIS or simply out of hatred for LGBT people. Who knows, really? These shootings have no rationale. And how we respond is critically important. Our only remedy is to call this nation back to God.
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu gave an appropriate response in light of the attack on Pulse.
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Remembering Elisabeth Elliot and her legacy despite living through tragedy
Elisabeth Elliot was one of the most influential Christian women of our time. For a half century, her best selling books, timeless teachings and courageous faith have influenced believers and seekers of Jesus Christ throughout the world. She used her experiences as a daughter, wife, mother, widow, and missionary to bring the message of Christ to countless women and men around the world.
There are enough things that divide us, that create a barrier of connection and affect interpersonal relationships. If tragedy has any upside, it’s that those barriers can come down and we can mourn with those who mourn. Differences don’t matter. Love does. Love matters. And love will win. Faith, hope and love remain. The greatest of these is love. And the truth is, we will get through. We are going to make it. -Jeff
The Love Is series continues this week with the light topic of honesty. Honestly, it’s a huge discussion. Most of us have been disappointed by someone who has lied. Why is that? Does telling the truth trump being right? Join the TweetBack and add your voice!
Plus, we’ve got some exclusive interviews with some students who were at Winter Jam at Silver Birch Ranch. We chat about emojis, real life problems and struggles. It was a ton of fun getting to know them and we wanted to share part of the fun with you this week.
[Tweet “Love rejoices in the truth. #HNRTB”]
[Tweet “Get around people who love you and who are honest with you. #trust #HNRTB”]
I believe the two scariest lies on the earth right now that are so prevalent are that you are a good person and that because God is a loving God, He will not punish … every funeral you go to, you hear people say ‘he or she was a good person’ and we have this belief that we do more good than bad and the reason that’s a lie is because God says so.
We’ve all been there. Well, at least most of us have. We’ve made up excuses. We’ve told white lies. We’ve fabricated stories to cover our butts. What’s the funniest or worst excuse/white lies/fabrication you’ve come up with?
Share an excuse/lie/fabrication you used to try to save face that sounded good in your head and totally got you busted.
How should we give criticism?
How do we receive criticism?
When does criticism become destructive?
Do white lies really matter?
Should we always tell exactly what we’re thinking/feeling on the inside? Why or why not? Are there things we don’t tell people that maybe we should?
Is it ever too late to tell the truth?
Types of Lies We Tell
White lies, broken promises, fabrication, bold-faced lies, exaggerations, deception, plagiarism, compulsive lying. (Source) We lie to save face or shift blame. Those who lie rarely accept responsibility. That’s the whole point of lying. We always want the praise and responsibility for all the good things we do, but if we mess up, our sin nature is drawn to lie.