#166: Healers Need Healing: Let’s Talk About Burdens

#166: Healers Need Healing: Let’s Talk About Burdens

#166: Healers Need Healing: Let's Talk About Burdens

by HopeNet Radio | Podcast

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw | Terra Kay @terrakfree

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Show Notes

Why is it that you never see your favorite superheroes checking in to the doctor’s office? Is it that we portray the image that in order to be a “hero” to someone that you have to be almost invincible to pain or suffering?

Depression and other mental health struggles do not discriminate. An important part of any kind of human service or ministry is to be mentally and spiritually well. Too often, in our flesh, we try to mask the perceived weaknesses associated with depression, anxiety, and emotional suffering that it eventually leads to burnout or a host of other problems.

This week, we’re saying, “NO MORE!”

It is time to step out of that darkness and open the doors for conversations to save our leaders, healers, and ministers. But how do we do it? Where do we start? Is this even possible in a world that tends to shy away from embracing vulnerability?

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#164: Preparing for the Remarkable

#164: Preparing for the Remarkable

#164: Preparing for the Remarkable

by HopeNet Radio | Podcast

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw | Jason Kemper @kempster220

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Show Notes

Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of those affected by this week’s tragic events in Wausau, WI. We know that God works all things together for good, even through dark times.

More notes coming soon… 


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8 + 15 =

#135: We Are Going To Make It

#135: We Are Going To Make It

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw | Terra Kay @terrakfree

On this Father’s Day, we are thinking of the fathers in Orlando grieving the loss of their son or daughter. The headlines rip at the heart of every father of the senseless shootings of Christina Grimmie and the patrons at Pulse, and the toddler killed by an alligator at Walt Disney World.

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Show Notes

Pulse shooting in Orlando is being called the biggest terror attack on the US since 9/11. How do we process tragedy like this as it impacts an entire nation? Here are 5 ways Christians can respond

The truth is, we don’t really know why the shootings happened, except that we live in a world full of sin around people who have their eyes set on destruction. Some think it had something to do with ISIS or simply out of hatred for LGBT people. Who knows, really? These shootings have no rationale. And how we respond is critically important. Our only remedy is to call this nation back to God.


Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu gave an appropriate response in light of the attack on Pulse.



[threecol_one]elisabethelliot[/threecol_one] [threecol_two_last]

Remembering Elisabeth Elliot and her legacy despite living through tragedy

Books by Elisabeth Elliot

Elisabeth Elliot was one of the most influential Christian women of our time. For a half century, her best selling books, timeless teachings and courageous faith have influenced believers and seekers of Jesus Christ throughout the world. She used her experiences as a daughter, wife, mother, widow, and missionary to bring the message of Christ to countless women and men around the world.

Read John Piper’s thoughts in the days after she passed in 2015.[/threecol_two_last]


Check it out

Ephesians 5 | Titus 3


There are enough things that divide us, that create a barrier of connection and affect interpersonal relationships. If tragedy has any upside, it’s that those barriers can come down and we can mourn with those who mourn. Differences don’t matter. Love does. Love matters. And love will win. Faith, hope and love remain. The greatest of these is love. And the truth is, we will get through. We are going to make it. -Jeff

#128: Unshakeable

#128: Unshakeable

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw | Jason Kemper @kempster220

Tragedy hit close to home for a few of us. Last weekend, Jakob Wagner made a decision that impacted many others and cost him his own life. And our thoughts and prayers are with the students and families of those affected at the shooting last weekend.

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Show Notes

Upcoming Events

May | Mental Health Month

We are partnering with the Don’t Let Go Campaign in raising awareness about mental health during the month of May. Learn more

May 13-15 | Men’s Retreat at Silver Birch Ranch (register & info)

Silver Birch Ranch’s Men’s Retreats are a great time of fun, fellowship, and growth. Every year in the spring and fall, men from all over the midwest converge at Silver Birch Ranch. The weekend is filled with activities and teaching geared to meet men where they are at in life, and tackles issues that they face. Speaker: Dave Wager

May 14 | Damascus Road – Human Trafficking Awareness Fundraiser at Planet Perk

Learn important information about Human Trafficking prevention presented by students from Communities at Oshkosh North. Products made by survivors will be available for purchase through Better Way Imports. Purchases provide fair-trade employments for survivors and proceeds from sales will benefit Damascus Road, a local non-profit organization committed to assisting victims and raising awareness about Human Trafficking.


Resources for your journey through grief

Where to find a grief support group


#108: The Empty Chair

#108: The Empty Chair

On this episode

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw | Jason @kempster220 | Terra Kay @terrakfree | Bill, Homeland Security

Holidays are hard enough to handle when a loved one isn’t a part of the traditions. This week, we’re continuing our discussion on the topic of refugees, but in a little different way. Refugees are guests in our country. How do we treat guests? How do we talk around guests? Does anybody actually care about how they’re perceiving what’s become abundantly clear from the headlines that “we’re not sure that we like you?”

Let’s move from behind the politics and look to the people who we allow at our family table around the holidays. And if there’s an empty chair around your table this year, take that sense of loss and sadness symbolized by the empty chair and include someone who needs joy and peace this Christmas season.

[typography font=”Asap” size=”12″ size_format=”px”](Note: We are not advocating that everyone invite a refugee or complete stranger over to your house as that doesn’t work for everyone. But do look for ways to reach out to people who may live near you and do something small that communicates hope and joy and peace.)[/typography]

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Refugee Welcome Kit


Show Notes

Check out last week’s notes.

While the issue has been highly politicized lately, refugees continue to be among the most vulnerable people in our society. They may not celebrate Christmas or quite understand why we have certain customs. That’s OK. Refugees are guests in our country. How do we treat guests? How do we talk around guests? Does anybody actually care about how they’re perceiving what’s become abundantly clear from the headlines that “we’re not sure that we like you?”


Man Thanks Officer for DUI Arrest – (WAGA) Nov 16, 2015

A Georgia man thanked a Tyrone Police Officer for arresting him in July.

According to the police report, the man was driving on Highway 74 and while in a turn lane, instead of making a right onto the street, the driver went straight running off the road. Sgt. Jacob Collins arrested the man for DUI.

Monday, Tyrone Police Chief Brandon Perkins received a letter from the man, thanking Sgt. Collins for arresting him. The letter reads “I was severely intoxicated. He saved my life and the lives of others and I truly appreciate his actions and his efforts.”

[Tweet “As a Christian, two of our greatest tensions to wrestle with is mercy and grace. #HNRTB”]

As a Christian, two of our greatest tensions to wrestle with is mercy and grace. Mercy in that we don’t get what we deserve (hell) and grace in that we’ve been given something we don’t deserve (Jesus & eternal life in heaven). Don’t forget to show the most vulnerable ones mercy and grace this Christmas.

#029: On Death & Life

#029: On Death & Life

It’s the reality that every living person has to accept at one point in life – death. Tonight, Terra Koslowski joins Jeff and Dave to talk about one of the topics few are willing to discuss for any length of time. Death is real. How should we talk about it? Is there any hope in the midst of all this pain?

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