by Jeff | Jun 26, 2016
Who’s on this episode?
Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw
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This week, Jeff and Dave invite Amanda to share her story with us about how she found hope. As she searched for relationships and fun in college, she found profound emptiness. Partying. Lust. It all left her confused.
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Show Notes
Hope is an anchor for our soul. See Hebrews 6.
by Jeff | May 29, 2016
Who’s on this episode?
Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw | Pastor Kirk Gerbers @kirkgerbers | Sarah Gerbers @sarahbeth_gerbers
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Take a look around. Someone somewhere is taking a selfie right now. They might be wearing a Chewbacca mask, too. Chances are, they’re taking 100 photos just for one measly Instagram. That’s what life has become – one measly, filtered, selfie-centered photo. Is there anyone who will risk it all to live an unfiltered life? This week, Jeff and Dave sit down with Kirk and Sarah Gerbers, youth pastors from Destiny Church in De Pere, Wisconsin.
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Upcoming Events
May | Mental Health Month
We are partnering with the Don’t Let Go Campaign in raising awareness about mental health during the month of May. Learn more

Kirk & Sarah Gerbers
Kirk is a youth pastor of over 10 years. Born and raised in Green Bay, Kirk spent some years in Flint, Michigan and has been youth pastoring in De Pere, Wisconsin since 2013. He is on Twitter, but as you will find out in this week’s episode, he would rather be face-to-face than thumb-to-thumb.
Sarah is a professional photographer and owns Selah Photography. Born in Milwaukee, she met Kirk in college and the rest is history. In her time on social media, Sarah has found the good and the bad. She was in it for the wrong reasons and then started over.
Conversation Starters
Do you think the average person who is on a social media site spends too much, too little, or just the right amount of time using it?
What is the point of social media? Why is so much time and energy invested in snapping, gramming, liking, commenting, sharing? Is it all healthy?
What would you do with your time without social media?
How has our society changed since social media really took off in the mid-2000’s?
Could it be that my attitude or outlook on life has been based on how people think of me on social media?
Things to consider
Candace Payne, better known as the Chewbacca Mom, went unfiltered on Facebook and has inspired over 150 million people!
As humans we love to hide.
by Jeff | May 15, 2016
Who’s on this episode?
Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw | Terra Kay @terrakfree
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Graduation season is upon us! It’s the time of year where grads reap the benefits of years of hard work – or so it seems. Here is our list of gifts you didn’t expect to get, but we think will mean more in the long run.
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Upcoming Events
May | Mental Health Month
We are partnering with the Don’t Let Go Campaign in raising awareness about mental health during the month of May. Learn more
by Jeff | Apr 24, 2016
Who’s on this episode?
Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw | Jason Kemper @kempster220 | Jeff Eckart @jeffeckart
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What happens when 8 students take the challenge to pray for their school every day? Jeff Eckart from Never the Same shares how what began with 8 students has turned into a movement across America that is uniting middle school & high school students to love God and change the world in which they live.
Plus, we sit down with Bri and Lizzy to talk about the Don’t Let Go Campaign for Mental Health Month coming up in May.
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Show Notes

Bri and Lizzy sat down to share about the Don’t Let Go Campaign
Download the poster
Don’t Let Go Campaign is a social media campaign based in Northeast Wisconsin that brings awareness around the issue of mental health. May is Mental Health Month. Listen to this week’s episode to hear Bri and Lizzy share their vision and like the page on Facebook.

Claim Your Campus & Jeff Eckart
Jeff Eckart believes that this generation is our best hope for change. He is the CEO of Never The Same, a movement uniting middle school & high school students to love God and change the world in which they live through their faith in Jesus. His organization launched Claim Your Campus as a way to unite students.
Claim Your Campus is students meeting for prayer at their school on a regular basis throughout the school year. The goal of CYC is to have students praying every day on every high school and middle school campus in America. CYC is not affiliated with a certain group or denomination and welcomes all Christ followers from any church, background, or culture. CYC seeks to unite Christian students of all kinds and from all backgrounds in praying for their schools.
CYC is encouraging, equipping & uniting middle school & high school students to pray for change 1x a week on their campus.
Our strategy:
Encourage students to organize 5 weekly prayer groups (1 per school day)
Our mission:
Equip 1 million students to pray (15 per campus on 67,000 campuses)
Our vision:
Unite this generation for prayer and change (Learn more)
CYC Connect
Get the CYC app
National Network of Youth Ministries
by Jeff | Apr 17, 2016
Who’s on this episode?
Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw | Jason Kemper @kempster220 | Jeff Eckart @jeffeckart
Podcast: Download
Today’s teens are growing up in a very interesting time in history. According to Dr. Robert Shaw, in his book The Epidemic: Raising Secure, Loving, Happy, and Responsible Children in an Era of Absentee and Permissive Parenting, “far too many children today are sullen, unfriendly, distant, preoccupied, and even unpleasant. They whine, nag, throw tantrums, and demand constant attention from their parents, who are spread too thin to spend enough time with them. Feeling guilty and anxious, the parents in turn soothe their kids with unhealthy snacks, faddish clothing, toys, and media.”
It seems, as parents, we’ve forgotten what children actually require in order to grow into happy, responsible adults.
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Join Dave Wager and men from all walks of life at Silver Birch Ranch’s Men’s Retreat this May!
Coming soon…
by Jeff | Mar 6, 2016
Who’s on this episode?
Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw | Jason Kemper @kempster220
You are who you surround yourself with. In other words, who you hang with will determine who you become. This week, Jeff and Dave talk about what it takes to build a strong community. There are two kinds of people out there: those who wait for community to come to them, and those who build community. Building real community can be done. Jeff will share the strategy he uses to network local youth pastors together. The goal is to begin to think about the people you can help right now become successful.
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Show Notes
Kids in Crisis Series & Webcasts (USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin)
“Kids in Crisis is USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin’s groundbreaking series on youth mental health. Wisconsin ranks among the worst states for rates of youth depression, youth suicide, and shortages of care providers. A team of 25 journalists throughout the state have spent months reporting on the topic and we hope you will join us in finding solutions.”
It’s no secret that this generation is pressed from many sides. “What do I do about my kid’s cutting habits?” “I’m afraid my child is doing drugs. What do I do?” “My kids’ friends are not good influences. How can I help?”
I hear these questions all the time and I can’t help but believe that conversations save lives. We need opportunities to have these kinds of conversations. And faith communities have to be part of these dialogues.
Thanks for listening. If you like it, share it! Feel free to leave some thoughts in the comments. -J