#070: Love is Patient

#070: Love is Patient

Patience is the first episode in the Love Is series of HopeNet Radio. Over the next few weeks, Jeff, DW and Jason will explore 1 Corinthians 13. This week is all about patience. Every human has a desire to love and be loved.

SERIES EPISODES: Love is Patient | Love Is Kind | Love Is Honest | Love Is Hopeful

Patience isn’t impulsive.
Patience isn’t indecision.
Patience isn’t negligent.
Patience isn’t laziness.
Patience isn’t passivity.

“Patience isn’t my strongest suit.” -Hugh Jackman, Wolverine (X-Men)


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What we talk about (TweetBack!)

Patience is the settled reality that we are not in control. It’s simply understanding how things work. The more we understand how things work, the more patience shows up in our life. A point of discussion in many episodes is that the world simply doesn’t revolve around us. Yet, we really wish it did.

One of the biggest temptations, especially in marriage, is to set out to fix the other person. You’ll wind up miserable the more you press someone to change.

When or where do you find it most difficult to be patient?


So how do we get patience?

1) Why are you impatient?
2) Write it down.
3) Work at changing your attitude. Let go more.
4) See the big picture.
5) Step back. Expect the unexpected and give yourself a break more. (source)

Further reading

What does it mean to be patient?
How to be patient
Patience in Leadership

#069: Redefining Beauty

#069: Redefining Beauty

Beauty. Six letters that hold so much weight on young women today. This week, Jeff and Dave sit down with Kris and Lisa – two women whose desire is to help young women find beauty through God’s eyes. Society puts so much pressure on young women to “be beautiful” with their airbrushed models plastered in every magazine and billboard. In fact, 69% of girls in 5th-12th grade reported that magazine pictures influenced their idea of a perfect body shape. (source) Is your view of beauty only skin deep?

No girl should feel the need to be someone they aren’t to be considered beautiful. You are beautiful because you’re you. Remind someone of this today.

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Wolf River Refuge
In God’s Eye Event (Mar 27-29)
Meet teens on a mission to redefine beauty | USA Today



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