#095: Life Before Death

#095: Life Before Death

If you’re anything like me, you’ve wondered about life on Pluto or somewhere far, far away. You have maybe wondered if there’s really life after death and talked about the possibilities while at a slumber party. And speaking of parties, t0night’s conversation centers around what we do about today. Why don’t we worry about life before death as much as we do about in the outer galaxies or beyond the grave?

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The Notes

Guests tonight include Mike Ott and 3 of his students who just spent a week on a local missions trip making a great use of their time this summer!

More to come…

#039: Ultimate Intentionality

#039: Ultimate Intentionality

Kristen Jane Anderson is back on the show tonight! Her book, Life In Spite of Me, and bio are available on her website. Tonight’s show is continuing our discussion from last week on living with intentionality. Living with intentionality is all about knowing and living out your purpose. If you have no purpose and no goals, life becomes monotonous, mediocre, boring, dull and we become apathetic to the world around us. We were not created for that kind of life!

In the 2nd half of the show, Bill Van Kirk joins us to share about Ultimate Frisbee Nights. Bill is the youth pastor at Spring Lake Church in Green Bay. He also chimes in and shares his perspective on living with intentionality.


Discussed on the Show

  • Scramble for Hope – come golf with Jeff & Dave
  • Jeff deleted his Facebook apps this week
  • “Unplanned time goes to your weakness.” Gordon MacDonald
  • Struggles with perfectionism
  • “If you aim small, you miss small.” Bill Van Kirk

Discussion Questions

  • When someone says “live intentionally,” what does that mean?
  • In what ways do teens live intentionally?
  • What barriers does our family have to living intentionally?
  • How do we remove those barriers?



We would really love your feedback! Share your thoughts in the comments below.

#017: Recapturing Christmas

Christmas tree

This Sunday on HopeNet Radio, Jeff & Dave ask, “What does your Christmas look like?” Plus…

  • The Christmas Story – Luke 2
  • Thank you, Soldiers!
  • Intentional Christmas planning


Merry Christmas from the entire HopeNet 360 & HopeNet Radio team!

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