#074: Prom, The Ultimate Trust Bust?
Spring is in the air! For many teens around America, that also means prom season. This week, Jeff, DW, Jason, Mike and Jordan talk about ways to avoid making prom your ultimate trust bust this year. Be part of the Tweetback!
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What do we want to accomplish?
This is a fair question to ask when there is controversy around a particular topic. Here’s what needs to be said:
- Encourage conversation between parents and teens about important stuff. Address the “we’re not gonna talk about it” crowd. Parents differ on whether their teen should attend school dances in public school. Parents reserve the right to allow or disallow their child to participate. Many parents don’t care, though, and that’s why we’re bringing it up.
- We’re glad that teachers & parents invest time and money in fun, safe activities for teens. Hope that by talking about prom before prom helps make it a fun, more safe experience for everyone.
- You may believe that good teens should never go to prom. Valid. We believe that conversations save lives and it’s important to talk to the “I’m-Going-to-Prom Crowd” this week.
Fair enough? On with the conversation!
The Facts.
Prom is not a cheap occasion, averaging between $835 and $1,125. Check these numbers out from Liberty Mutual/Students Against Destructive Decisions and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration:
- 90% teens believe their peers are more likely to drink and drive on prom night.
- Only 29% believe driving on prom night comes with a high degree of danger.
- 36% of teens say their parents have allowed them to attend parties where they knew alcohol would be available.
- 14% of teens say their parents have hosted teen gatherings with alcohol.
- 54% of students drank more than 4 drinks on prom night.
[Tweet “Don’t mistake prom night for your wedding night. #sexisnotlove #HNRTB”]
- Trends are overrated. You’ll laugh at those pictures in 15 years.
- Spending $1000 on prom is your worst financial decision of 2015. #wheredidmymoneygo
- If you think a dress, hairstyle, new nails and makeup makes you beautiful, you have no idea what beauty is. #redefined
- A date for prom does not make it the best prom. #dontdatealoser
- Even the prom queen struggles with feeling beautiful.
- Prom Court honors mean basically nothing after graduation.
- Don’t mistake prom night for your wedding night. #sexisnotlove
- Early curfew is better for your health.
- Failure to plan is planning to fail.
- Getting your friends and you home safe is your #1 goal.
Bonus: Don’t be afraid to be different. Successful people usually flow against the grain in how they do things, anyway.
What are you most looking forward
What didn’t we cover this week?
3 Tips for Parents to Discuss Prom Safety with Teens – US News
Drunk Driving After Prom: Perception vs. Reality – US News
Teenager takes his great-grandmother to prom – Fox News