Statement Regarding US Supreme Court’s Decision on Marriage

Statement Regarding US Supreme Court’s Decision on Marriage

Here at HopeNet 360, everything we do is to provide help and hope to anyone. We don’t discriminate or show partiality to anyone who comes to us looking for hope, whether the topics discussed on HopeNet Radio, through the crisis chatline, groups who want to learn QPR and the signs of suicide and depression, and those who want to get involved in sharing hope with others. Hope is for everyone. HopeNet 360 is for everyone. With that said, our leadership feels strongly that the ruling from the Supreme Court regarding marriage is concerning and releases the following statement:

Statement from HopeNet, Inc. Board of Directors Regarding the Supreme Court Decision on Homosexual Marriage.

HopeNet, Inc d.b.a. HopeNet 360, is saddened by the Supreme Court decision last week legalizing homosexual marriage in the United States.

As Christians committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and believing that the Bible is the inerrant, eternally true and sufficient Word of God, we believe that homosexuality—or any sexual act outside of a marriage between a man and woman—is sinful in the eyes of God.  While we respect the Supreme Court’s authority within the Constitution of the United States, we must also proclaim what Peter did in Acts 5:29 when the Sanhedrin ordered him to stop preaching the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ alone:  “We must obey God, not men.”

We call on all Christians to not respond to the Supreme Court ruling with anger or hatred toward any person regardless of their beliefs on this issue.  The Bible teaches Christians to speak the truth in love to all men.  We believe what the Bible teaches:  That God loves all men.  However we also believe the Bible is clear that God’s love of men alone will not grant men eternal life with God.  We believe the Bible is clear that the only path to eternal life with God is through a man confessing of his sins, repenting and placing his complete faith and trust in Jesus Christ the Son of God.  When this happens the Holy Spirit will convict men of their ongoing sin and wrong beliefs, beginning a work of holiness in true believers—a work God will complete when we stand before Him one day.

We believe that any attempt by professing Christians to “justify” homosexuality, or any sin, as righteous in the eyes of God is sinful.  The Bible is clear on what God believes about sex and sexual sins.

We call on every Christian church, denomination and organization to make a clear statement in response to the Supreme Court ruling so Christians can be clear on where your organization stands and is headed on this defining issue.

We know that God and God alone has the righteous standing to judge every man and determine his eternal destination—either living with God for eternity or separated from Him in hell.  But we are also called as Christian leaders to be unashamed of the gospel and to share the truth of God and His Word with all men.  We will continue to do so in a spirit of Christian love and obedience to God’s commands.
