#018: Show the Goliaths Who You Are

#018: Show the Goliaths Who You Are

Break out your kazoos and sparkling grape juice! 2013 is out. 2014 is moving in. It’s a new year and Jeff & Dave want to help you ring it in right. On the show…

  • Jeff introduces the “YOLO FOMO Syndrome.”
  • Dave answers the question, “What do I do if my New Year’s plans suddenly change and I’m caught in a situation I wasn’t planning on?”
  • Facing the Goliaths in your life face-to-face.

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#013: Life In Spite of Me: Kristen Jane Anderson

#013: Life In Spite of Me: Kristen Jane Anderson

lifeinspiteofmebookKristen Jane Anderson sits down with Jeff and Dave to share her story of tragedy and hope on HopeNet Radio. Kristen attempted to take her life at age 17, but God had other plans.

Overwhelmed by wave after wave of emotional trauma, Kristen Anderson no longer wanted to live. One January night, determined to end her pain once and for all, the seventeen-year-old lay across train tracks not far from her home and waited to die. Her story of surviving her suicide attempt is documented in her book, Life In Spite of Me: Extraordinary Hope After a Fatal Choice.

Parents, this is a good show to talk about with your kids.

Reaching You Ministries

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