#057: Heart [Thanksliving]

#057: Heart [Thanksliving]

T.H.A.N.K.S. This month, Jeff & DW will break down this word and help you live a life that’s thankful every day. The series is called “Thanksliving.”

Today’s generation, being so consumer-driven and consumer-minded, has created a thankless culture where the small things become even more insignificant as we search for the bigger, better, faster things. Consumers care less about the ‘why’ and more about the ‘what.’ It takes diligence to remain thankful in all circumstances.

Join in on the TWEETBACK!

Thanksliving Series: Time | Heart | Attitude | Never Not Thankful | Kindness by Serving


Some thoughts from this week

H- Heart: Your heart is your beliefs, values, passions/experiences and identity. It’s who you are. Thanksliving begins in the heart.

[Tweet “#Thanksliving begins in the heart. #HNRTB”]

mikeottMichael Ott, youth pastor at Graceway Fellowship, joins us on the show. Check out his blog. Hit him up for youth games!


Tonight’s Hashtags


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#056: Time [Thanksliving]

#056: Time [Thanksliving]

T.H.A.N.K.S. This month, Jeff & DW will break down this word and help you live a life that’s thankful every day. The series is called “Thanksliving.”

Today’s generation, being so consumer-driven and consumer-minded, has created a thankless culture where the small things become even more insignificant as we search for the bigger, better, faster things. Consumers care less about the ‘why’ and more about the ‘what.’ It takes diligence to remain thankful in all circumstances.

Our time is our greatest resource. What do you spend your time being thankful for?

Thanksliving Series: Time | Heart | Attitude | Never Not Thankful | Kindness by Serving


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Some tweets from this week


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#055: The Secret Life of Teen Girls

#055: The Secret Life of Teen Girls

Young girls today are under great pressure to be someone they’re not in their friendships and dating relationships. Recent news headlines about the Snapchat and Jennifer Lawrence photo leaks reveal what’s becoming some common trends for young girls. This week on HopeNet Radio, Jeff, DW, and Terra talk about the secret life of today’s young women and how to stand up for what’s pure and true! Check out last week’s show when we challenged the guys to live sexually pure before marriage.

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Notable stories shared on the show

Join the TweetBack
Hackers Access At Least 100,000 Snapchat Photos And Prepare To Leak Them, Including Underage Nude Pictures
Dear Jennifer Lawrence


We would really love your feedback! Share your thoughts in the comments below.

#053: Faith In Action

#053: Faith In Action


So you’ve decided to live for Christ? You’re not sure what it means to live as a Christian? Tonight on the show, Jeff, DW & Jason talk about living out your faith. We’re also answering your questions and comments on the TweetBack!

What does it mean to live out your faith? Isn’t it enough to just believe in God? What are some ways you put your faith into action each day?

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Parable of the Good Samaritan // Luke 10:25-37

One day an expert in religious law stood up to test Jesus by asking him this question: “Teacher, what should I do to inherit eternal life?”

26 Jesus replied, “What does the law of Moses say? How do you read it?”

27 The man answered, “‘You must love the lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.’ And, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

28 “Right!” Jesus told him. “Do this and you will live!”

29 The man wanted to justify his actions, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”

30 Jesus replied with a story: “A Jewish man was traveling from Jerusalem down to Jericho, and he was attacked by bandits. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him up, and left him half dead beside the road.

31 “By chance a priest came along. But when he saw the man lying there, he crossed to the other side of the road and passed him by. 32A Temple assistant walked over and looked at him lying there, but he also passed by on the other side.

33 “Then a despised Samaritan came along, and when he saw the man, he felt compassion for him. 34Going over to him, the Samaritan soothed his wounds with olive oil and wine and bandaged them. Then he put the man on his own donkey and took him to an inn, where he took care of him. 35The next day he handed the innkeeper two silver coins, telling him, ‘Take care of this man. If his bill runs higher than this, I’ll pay you the next time I’m here.’

36 “Now which of these three would you say was a neighbor to the man who was attacked by bandits?” Jesus asked.

37 The man replied, “The one who showed him mercy.”

Then Jesus said, “Yes, now go and do the same.”

We would really love your feedback! Share your thoughts in the comments below.

#046: Things I Wish I Knew

#046: Things I Wish I Knew

Tonight, Kristen Jane Anderson shares the things she wished she knew before making a destructive decision that nearly cost her life. Her book, Life In Spite of Me, can be found here.

I wish I knew… by Kristen Jane Anderson

1. The Gospel. Having grown up in church much of my life, I never heard what it meant to have a relationship with God.

2. Depression – how common it can be, as well as the triggers, the signs, and how easy it is to fall into a depression.

3. I was suicidal. I thought about things normal people wouldn’t think about.

4. My mom and even some of my friends didn’t have it all together or figured out.

5. Isolation breeds depression.

6. I didn’t have to keep so much of the stress and pain I was feeling to myself. I especially wish I would have shared it with my parents.

7. My parents weren’t trying to hurt me at all. They just wanted to help me.

8. It wasn’t my job to protect my parents.

9. There were really good youth groups at churches nearby that I would have enjoyed being a part of.

10. It would get better, that it always does, and that God had really good things planned ahead of me. (Jeremiah 29:11)

11. God was near, that He cared about me more than I could have ever imagined (even about the little things), and He seriously wanted a relationship with me.

12. The blessing of the body of Christ, the friends, the leaders, and the music. I didn’t know what I was missing

13. Although Jesus had never sinned, He could sympathize with my weaknesses. (Hebrews 4:15)

14. Jesus didn’t come for the healthy. He came for the sick. (Mark 2:17)

15. The power of God, the Bible, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.


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#042: A Happier Place?

#042: A Happier Place?

Why do we struggle with happiness today? Americans have so much in the ways of technology, education, material wealth, entertainment outlets that it should seem we have nothing more to do, but be happy all the time. But so many of us are not. Depression, self-harm, drug and substance abuse are just some of the things we hear about often in our culture. Why is this? Tonight, Jeff asks the question, “With all that we have available to us in America, why is this not a happier place?”

Discussed on the Show

Q: If I gave you one thing that would make you happy, what would it be?

Q: Why is it that we are not always happy?

Q: What does it take to be truly happy in life?

Story: Did you know that God had cake delivered to one of His prophets? Read about Elijah in 1 Kings 19.

Thought: Do something meaningful this summer!

Levels of communication

7 Reasons you Struggle with Happiness


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