by Jeff | May 22, 2016
Who’s on this episode?
Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw
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This week, Jeff and DW sit down with Mike Jewell of Relational Integrity, LLC to talk about how we can be set free from the lies that we believe.
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May | Mental Health Month
We are partnering with the Don’t Let Go Campaign in raising awareness about mental health during the month of May. Learn more
Guest info
Mike Jewell is the Founder of Relational Integrity LLC and Co-Founder of Trek Productions LLC, which produced The Trek program. He is also the creator of “The Bridge”. Mike serves on various nonprofit boards with a purpose of seeing lives transformed and relationships healed. He has extensive knowledge and experience in teaching, conflict resolution, personnel management, speaking and has led workshops for churches, married couples, veterans and more.
Whether it is your work, marriage, family or social relationships, there are certain truths that apply to all relationships. But, if we believe a lie instead of the truth, then we have difficulty relating to others, even with the ones we love most. Relational Integrity can assist you in discovering the Truth that sets you free from the lies you unknowingly believe. The Trek program was developed to look back onto the path you walked in life and discover the lies. Then you can exchange the truth for the lie and relationships will improve.
The Trek
The Trek is an online self-discovery video series that educates participants about themselves, their behaviors, and their emotional reactions toward situations and people they encounter every day. This self-discovery curriculum assists adults, parents, spouses, children, and families identify and celebrate the strengths in their lives while providing tools to recognizing and improve those areas where you feel improvement is needed.
The Trek can be used successfully by a wide range of people. Individuals, couples, and families can find answers, while non-profits, schools, youth organizations, governmental agencies and other service programs can serve their community with this curriculum.
More info
by Jeff | Feb 14, 2016
Who’s on this episode?
Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw
Episodes in this series: BAM Part 1 | BAM Part 2 | BAM Part 3 | BAM Part 4
Building an atmosphere of mentoring involves the things we say and do. On this episode, Jeff and Dave discuss the opportunity mentors can use to “fire up” those around them. A great mentor is like a fire tender. They know how to make sure the fire doesn’t become destructive or flame out. Like a fire is dynamic, so is mentoring. There are ups that downs. There are times where the fire is steady and it doesn’t need more wood or oxygen. There are times when the fire needs more or less of those things depending on the situation.
One specific tool mentors use is their words. What we say, when we say it and how we say it matters. And we get to control the words we use! Listen in as Jeff and Dave continue this series of building an atmosphere of mentoring.
Become A Coach | One area that needs mentors is on our live coaching lines. Are you 18+? Want to give a young person a few hours a week simply by being online and available? Check out our coaching page to learn about becoming a coach with our partner,
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Show Notes
DW. | Sabbath
The idea: Sabbath was given to us not just as a day of rest like many believe, but also as a day of relationship. This day was established to be one where families could intentionally instill value into one another. And they did this in some significant ways. Husbands would honor their wives in front of the group. By honoring, they would recommit their desire to love them and serve them. Maybe they would give gifts or do something that would show honor to them. Likewise, the parents would bless their kids. They would speak life over them, affirming them and their qualities or personal abilities.
Affirmation. Honor. Significant, meaningful time clear of distractions and “busyness”. These are the keys to making this day meaningful. What would happen if families used this example as a template for a couple hours 1 day a week? Would our family life be different today? Would communities be different? Will our country change?
How do we encourage as mentors?
- Words. Affirm the truth and debunk myths or lies they believe about themselves or others. Genuine, honest feedback is valuable to anyone. It doesn’t mean you’ll always like what they have to say. But the last thing any of us need are more empty words or empty promises. Let’s raise the expectation that we can all be honest and truthful, even if it hurts me or the other person’s feelings. Let’s create a culture of honesty, honor, generosity, and humility.
- No words. Active listening can be a greater encouragement to someone. Remember, not everyone coming to you with an issue is looking for you to solve it.
- Acts of generosity. This is done in a variety of ways using our time, talent or treasure. Generous people are people you want to be around.
What other ways can you think of?
The difference between empty flattery and solid encouragement
by Jeff | Jan 31, 2016
Who’s on this episode?
Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw | Jason Kemper @kempster220
Episodes in this series: BAM Part 1 | BAM Part 2 | BAM Part 3 | BAM Part 4
Mentoring isn’t just something we believe in theory. It’s foundational to life. Whether it’s raising kids or training the new recruit how to do his or her job, mentoring happens in a variety of ways everywhere… or at least it should. Faith communities are also greatly positioned in communities to be a hub for mentoring to take place. However, as time becomes more scarce and people become more interested in things they are people, we lose out in big ways when it comes to quality mentoring. And this generation, is in great need of awesome, inspiring, life-giving mentors.
Whatever your current situation is now, we want to invite you to be part of the vision of creating atmospheres of mentoring wherever you are!
Become A Coach | One area that needs mentors is on our live coaching lines. Are you 18+? Want to give a young person a few hours a week simply by being online and available? Check out our coaching page to learn about becoming a coach with our partner,
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Show Notes
Join us at Winter Jam @ Silver Birch Ranch!
Think about every single sector of industry right now. Can you think of any jobs or careers in which training or mentoring was not a part of the job? Very few, I would imagine. So, why is it that faith communities are struggling to provide quality mentoring relationships for those who are searching? Do we just not see the value? Is our time and focus being put elsewhere?
A coach is someone who tells you what you don’t want to hear, who has you see what you don’t want to see, so you can be who you have always known you could be. -Tom Landry
by Jeff | Jul 26, 2015
Faithfulness comes down to knowing what to do and doing it, but often when that leads us to doing something that is uncomfortable or costs me something big, it’s easy to shy away and avoid the following through part. How can we stay faithful when we don’t feel like it? That and more on this week’s episode!
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The Notes
Coming soon…
by Jeff | Jun 28, 2015
Before you go flying off the handle this 4th of July, you’ve gotta listen to this conversation about temperance. Jeff, DW and Jason are back with a great conversation about living self-controlled lives. Maddy and Raven join in this week to share some of their own experiences as young women trying to live this out.
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The Notes
[Tweet “Self-control is the ability to master your innermost desires & emotions in a way that honors God and others. #HNRTB”]
Read the story of Cain and Abel in Genesis 4

The Rock and Audie Bridges. (Instagram/
No story about self-control could be complete without mentioning Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson in it, especially if he’s the dude who hit your car early in the morning. Thankfully, this story has a good ending and Audie was a good sport about it. Read it.
Quote: “It is only through facing our fears of exposing our underlying emotions that will ultimately give us peace of mind. When we stop wrestling with our emotional baggage in our minds, we stop wrestling with ourselves and others.” (source)
Have a thought? Share it on the TweetBack or in the comments below!
by Jeff | Mar 8, 2015
Spring is in the air! For many teens around America, that also means prom season. This week, Jeff, DW, Jason, Mike and Jordan talk about ways to avoid making prom your ultimate trust bust this year. Be part of the Tweetback!
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What do we want to accomplish?
This is a fair question to ask when there is controversy around a particular topic. Here’s what needs to be said:
- Encourage conversation between parents and teens about important stuff. Address the “we’re not gonna talk about it” crowd. Parents differ on whether their teen should attend school dances in public school. Parents reserve the right to allow or disallow their child to participate. Many parents don’t care, though, and that’s why we’re bringing it up.
- We’re glad that teachers & parents invest time and money in fun, safe activities for teens. Hope that by talking about prom before prom helps make it a fun, more safe experience for everyone.
- You may believe that good teens should never go to prom. Valid. We believe that conversations save lives and it’s important to talk to the “I’m-Going-to-Prom Crowd” this week.
Fair enough? On with the conversation!

According to (click for source)
The Facts.
Prom is not a cheap occasion, averaging between $835 and $1,125. Check these numbers out from Liberty Mutual/Students Against Destructive Decisions and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration:
- 90% teens believe their peers are more likely to drink and drive on prom night.
- Only 29% believe driving on prom night comes with a high degree of danger.
- 36% of teens say their parents have allowed them to attend parties where they knew alcohol would be available.
- 14% of teens say their parents have hosted teen gatherings with alcohol.
- 54% of students drank more than 4 drinks on prom night.
[Tweet “Don’t mistake prom night for your wedding night. #sexisnotlove #HNRTB”]
Jeff’s Prom Facts
- Trends are overrated. You’ll laugh at those pictures in 15 years.
- Spending $1000 on prom is your worst financial decision of 2015. #wheredidmymoneygo
- If you think a dress, hairstyle, new nails and makeup makes you beautiful, you have no idea what beauty is. #redefined
- A date for prom does not make it the best prom. #dontdatealoser
- Even the prom queen struggles with feeling beautiful.
- Prom Court honors mean basically nothing after graduation.
- Don’t mistake prom night for your wedding night. #sexisnotlove
- Early curfew is better for your health.
- Failure to plan is planning to fail.
- Getting your friends and you home safe is your #1 goal.
Bonus: Don’t be afraid to be different. Successful people usually flow against the grain in how they do things, anyway.
What are you most looking forward
What didn’t we cover this week?
3 Tips for Parents to Discuss Prom Safety with Teens – US News
Drunk Driving After Prom: Perception vs. Reality – US News
Teenager takes his great-grandmother to prom – Fox News