The Greatest Moment of Your Life


Do you really know God? I mean know Him.

Most people have an idea of God, but so many are disappointed and angry with God. It’s one thing to know about God. The truth is, God wants you to know Him and have a right relationship with Him.

Tell me more about God


God created you with love.

Psalm 139 talks about God wonderfully making you and me with complexity. He loves you and created you to be in relationship with Him that’s closer than a brother. But there’s a problem.

Read Psalm 139


We are all separated from God because of our sin.

Romans 3:23 says that all have sinned against God. None of us are perfect. We’ve each failed. Sin entered through Adam and Eve. Death is a direct consequence of sin according to Romans 6:23. None of us were supposed to die. Death was never part of God’s original design. Not only that, but we were not meant to live separated from God. The emptiness you feel inside along with all the evil desires you have inside is what sin does. So what’s the answer? How can we ever get back to God?

Tell me more about sin


Jesus Christ paid it all once and for all.

Why exactly did Jesus have to die?  We can’t do enough good to outweigh our bad. Though, many well-intentioned people try to do so much good that it would seem illogical that God would ever send someone like them to Hell. But if that were true, then Jesus died for nothing. Here’s the truth: all your good deeds are worthless to God. God sent His one and only Son, Jesus, to this world to die for your sin in your place that you may spend eternity with Him. Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, we can all join in God’s salvation. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one can come to God except through Him.

Read about forgiveness


By grace through faith.

Our only hope of salvation from the penalty of sin and death is by putting our faith in Jesus’ blood that was shed on the cross. Because of what God did, you and I no longer have to be afraid of God. We become adopted into His family the moment we place our trust in Jesus. If we confess our sin, God is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Did you catch that? All unrighteousness. Here’s what a simple prayer looks like to start your new journey with God:

Jesus, I know I’m a sinner. I’ve made many mistakes. But I thank you for taking my place on the cross and dying for my sins. I surrender to you. Be my Lord and Savior this day forth. Come into my life and make me whole. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Read who you are in Christ


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