#119: The Mentor’s Legacy

#119: The Mentor’s Legacy

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw | Jason Kemper @kempster220


Episodes in this series: BAM Part 1 | BAM Part 2 | BAM Part 3 | BAM Part 4

The final part of the Building An Atmosphere of Mentorship series. This week, Jeff and Dave discuss the healthy mentor’s legacy. A legacy is essentially what is left after you are no longer actively imputing your life into another. It’s something that develops over time. Every mentor will leave some kind of lasting impact. Young or old; introverted or extroverted; paid or unpaid; professional or hobbyist – there is no limit to the ways by which we can all mentor. Let’s not make it overly complicated. But let’s be intentional on leaving a positive mark on someone’s life in every way possible.

Listen in as Jeff and Dave finish this series of building an atmosphere of mentoring.

Become A Coach | One area that needs mentors is on our live coaching lines. Are you 18+? Want to give a young person a few hours a week simply by being online and available? Check out our coaching page to learn about becoming a coach with our partner, Groundwire.net.

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Show Notes

Meet Cameron.

Cameron is a high school student from Rockford, IL who came to Winter Jam at Silver Birch Ranch this year and spent some time sharing wisdom and life experiences on the show. Thanks for hanging out with us, Cameron!


Dave’s take on a Mentor’s Legacy

I don’t really think much about what my legacy will be. I’m much more focused on today. What am I doing today to make someone successful? Let the legacy sort itself out. After all, it’s simply what other people think of me. People will always have opinions of you. All that I am responsible for is loving God and making Him known.


Jeff’s take on a Mentor’s Legacy

Your legacy is something to be aware of. When you’re young, you don’t really think about the mark you’re leaving behind. You know how I know? Because I did enough dumb things that I don’t want people to remember me for. Every one of us should be thinking about what kind of person we want to be remembered as because that end goal has a direct effect on the way we live today.

For me, that means I want to be looking out for other people’s needs before my own. It means saying ‘no’ to some things and ‘yes’ to other things. It means not settling for less than the best that God has for me. It means looking at what I do – large or small, significant or insignificant – and figuring out whether or not they have an eternal quality to them. Does what I do have an eternal effect on the world? What can I truly do to have an eternal impact on the world?


Check it out

7 Mentors You Didn’t Know You Had | Entrepreneur

23 Extraordinary Questions to Ask Your Mentor | Theresa Bradley-Banta



Thanks for listening. If you like it, share it! Feel free to leave some thoughts in the comments. -J

#072: Love is Honest

#072: Love is Honest

The Love Is series continues this week with the light topic of honesty. Honestly, it’s a huge discussion. Most of us have been disappointed by someone who has lied. Why is that? Does telling the truth trump being right? Join the TweetBack and add your voice!

SERIES EPISODES: Love is Patient | Love Is Kind | Love Is Honest | Love Is Hopeful

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Plus, we’ve got some exclusive interviews with some students who were at Winter Jam at Silver Birch Ranch. We chat about emojis, real life problems and struggles. It was a ton of fun getting to know them and we wanted to share part of the fun with you this week.

[Tweet “Love rejoices in the truth. #HNRTB”]

[Tweet “Get around people who love you and who are honest with you. #trust #HNRTB”]


For one day, decide to not tell a lie.
Did you take the challenge last week? Share your experience!