#111: Reframing Your Life – Teen Refugee Shares His Story

#111: Reframing Your Life – Teen Refugee Shares His Story

On this episode

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw | Jason @kempster220 | Terra Kay @terrakfree

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When I think of the word, reframing, I think of a building or room that’s being restored. At one point, it was new and in great shape. After a while, especially if it’s been vacant for years, things begin to warp and sag. And sometimes, in order to get back to great physical shape, walls, doorframes, ceilings and stairs have to be stripped down and rebuilt.

I think the same is true for people, too. This week, we’re sitting down with Joshua, a 17-year-old refugee from Uganda and The Republic of Congo.

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Refugee Welcome Kit

Show Notes


Joshua, Jeff & Terra Kay



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