#066: End Slavery

#066: End Slavery

Note: This show may be sensitive for younger listeners.

sarah and terraJanuary is National Slavery & Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Tonight, Jeff & DW welcome Terra Kay back and she’s bringing friends! Sarah Boes from More Precious Than Rubies joins the Hope Panel on the show to talk about the realities of human trafficking and modern-day slavery this week. Today marks National Human Trafficking Prevention Day and campaigns across the country took to the streets and social media to bring the conversation to the forefront.

The TweetBack is always live and we’d love your voice in the conversation! We retweet!


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The Facts

Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery. This crime occurs when a trafficker uses force, fraud or coercion to control another person for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex acts or soliciting labor or services against his/her will.

Red Flags for Trafficking (moreprecious.org)


I want more info on how I can get involved.

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Links & Resources

Damascus Road Project

Damascus Road is dedicated to fighting the evil of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. We are committed to bring awareness through education, restoring and empowering the abused and advocating for the prevention and abolition of human trafficking.

More Precious Than Rubies

An organization that reaches, serves, & equips women in the sex industry in the Green Bay Area.

National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline (NHTRC)

100% Anonymous! 1-888-373-7888 | Text HELP to BeFree (233733) | Email

More resources on our NSHTP page

#054: A Sexually Pure Generation

#054: A Sexually Pure Generation

In a sexually saturated culture, what is right and what is wrong in dating? Today’s young people hear mixed messages about intimacy. We’ve got answers on tonight’s show. Joining Jeff & DW on the show: Jason, Terra Kay, and our newly installed teen panel. Tonight, it’s Jacob & Noah on the show. Will we become known as a sexually pure generation?

Realities on Intimacy

“A new national survey of Christian men reveals shocking statistics pertaining to high rates of pornography use and addiction, plus rampant sexual infidelity among married Christian men… It’s abundantly clear that pornography is one of the biggest unaddressed problems in the church.” Read the article

“In a recent study conducted by ChristianMingle.com, Christian singles between the ages of 18 to 59 were asked, “Would you have sex before marriage?” The response? Sixty-three percent of the single Christian respondents indicated yes.” Read the article


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#007: Dear Me Letters

#007: Dear Me Letters

#007: Dear Me Letters

by HopeNet Radio | Podcast

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen
Dave Wager @wagerdaw

Tonight on HopeNet Radio, Jeff & Dave read your “Dear Me” letters and share their own. Plus, we’re opening up the conversation that will continue into next week about where all the good men have gone. Good men are hard to come by today. It seems every man is falling to pornography and addictions of all kinds. Many are hesitant to lead and are withdrawn from the family life. Something has to change. What does it mean to be a good man today? It’s time for our men to “man up” and realize our God-given responsibilities. Plus your emails, comments & tweets!

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