#060: Kindness by Serving [Thanksliving]

#060: Kindness by Serving [Thanksliving]

Thank you so much for being part of this journey with Dave and me! We’ve had some fun with this Thanksliving series and hope that you have been thinking about what it would take for you to live thankfully every day.

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Joining Jeff & DW on the show is Jason, Terra Kay, and Mike Ott. Tell us what the best part of Thanksgiving was for you on the Tweetback! This week on HopeNet Radio, we’re discussing the effects of thanksliving – kindness through acts of service. We believe that living thankfully results in acting thankful toward others. It seems like every other day, I see things like the Pay It Forward movement trending on Facebook or Twitter. (There’s even a Pay It Forward Day!)

Thanksliving Series: Time | Heart | Attitude | Never Not Thankful | Kindness by Serving


Guest Links

Damascus Road Project

Wherever Christ Leads Blog (Mike Ott)


Some links from this week


Kindness Stories

60 Selfless Ways to Pay It Forward


Next Week!

Send us your questions for next week’s Ask Me Anything show where Dave and Jeff will talk about what you’d like to hear us talk about.


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