#076: Ladies & Gentlemen

#076: Ladies & Gentlemen

Once upon a time, in a far away land lived ladies and gentlemen. They were distinctly different from the boys and girls just turning 30 today. Might not be too far off from a future fairytale. But seriously, there are days that I wonder: what happened to raising men to be gentle and strong, and women to be pure and compassionate? Sarah Boes from More Precious Than Rubies (MPTR) is back with Jeff, DW and Jason to talk about this shift and give encouragement to the ones who feel that they might be the last lady or gentleman out there. This is for you! Let us know you’re out there on the TweetBack.

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Does too much praise turn kids into narcissists?

A recent study suggests it. Jeff and DW think they’re on to something. Do you think we should praise people for doing things they should do anyway – like brush their teeth? Somewhere along the way, we’ve learned to be needed instead of wanted. Being needed and being wanted are pretty different things. There are different rules

[Tweet “We always praised children thinking that it would make them more confident. #HNRTB”]

[Tweet “Ladies and gentlemen are not self-centered. #HNRTB”]

Links discussed

More Precious Than Rubies

A new study from The Ohio State University suggests that constant – and perhaps undue – praise for our kids’ tiniest accomplishments, or non-accomplishments, may have the unintended side-effect of creating an over-inflated ego. And this can have serious consequences both in childhood and later on in life. Read more

What are the characteristics of a gentleman? Chivalrous, courteous, honorable, realistic, polite, gallant, respectful, noble, and decent. Read more

Becoming a Proverbs 31 woman

#041: Be the Dad You Wish You Had

#041: Be the Dad You Wish You Had

Happy Father’s Day to all our dads who listen to HopeNet Radio! How often have you heard the words from a guy you know who has  young children say, “I just want to be the dad that I wish I had”? I’ve heard this phrase often. So many men today are growing up without dads that it’s alarming. Why do you think so many dads are confused about what it means to be a dad?

Discussed on the Show

The importance of dads & men who mentor teens. (Consider becoming a Live Coach on the crisis chatline.)

When dads fall short. Dads make mistakes, too.

John 9: The blind man’s family – “Who has sinned?” -Disciples

Does God create people with a predisposition to be depressed or suicidal?


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