#037: Am I God’s Plan A?

#037: Am I God’s Plan A?

Does a big mistake thwart God’s plan for our lives? We have a tendency to feel that “if only I would’ve/wouldn’t have__________, God would still be able to use me.” Is this really true? How can I know if I’m really God’s “Plan A?”

jonnie-beckyOur Guests:

Jonnie Sharp – Youth Pastor & Life Skills Coach (Freedom Life Skills)

Becky (Foster) Roosma – Full-time wife & mom

Jonnie and Becky were instrumental in launching HopeNet 360 to where it is today. Jonnie has been a bivocational youth pastor for years. Becky (aka BB Foster) hosted a radio show, Hope In The Nighttime, from 2008-09. Together, they have a combined 50+ years mentoring teens and young adults in life and faith.


Discussed on the Show:

  • Perfectionism
  • God’s Plan vs. God’s Will
  • Failure & Success
  • Kyle snuck back in studio for one more week 🙂


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