#105: Love One Another

#105: Love One Another

On this episode

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw | Jason Kemper @kempster220 | April Strom-Johnson

Red cups.

If I didn’t know any better, it would be easy to believe that the only thing that mattered to Christians this week were some plain red cups.

News flash. Being a Christian is way more than plain red cups.April Strom-Johnson

Our guest tonight is April Strom-Johnson. April has spent the majority of her adult life mentoring young men and women in their musical abilities as well as life. She has an incredible story and shares insight on what it means to love one another.

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Show Notes

[Tweet “Love was never intended to have victims. -April Strom-Johnson #HNRTB”]


Penn Jillette is a renowned entertainer and illusionist. He’s also very vocal of his atheistic worldview. However, a few years back, he recorded this video, which has stuck with me through the years. We couldn’t have explained the mission of a Christian any better.