On this episode

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw



According to the APA, “depression is a medical illness that affects how you feel, think and behave causing persistent feelings of sadness and loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems.

If you are struggling with depression and are contemplating suicide, please reach out and talk: 1-800-273-8255

Most of us would rather not talk about it. Its affects are wide-reaching mentally, physically and emotionally. And yet, we need to talk about it. You weren’t made to be depressed. But it does exist and people of faith and non-faith need to address it. Can we peel back the layers together and unpack this?

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Show Notes

What Are the Main Causes of Depression? (source)

There are a number of factors that may increase the chance of depression, including the following:

Abuse. Past physical, sexual, or emotional abuse can cause depression later in life.
Certain medications. Some drugs, such as Accutane (used to treat acne), the antiviral drug interferon-alpha, and corticosteroids, can increase your risk of depression.
Conflict. Depression in someone who has the biological vulnerability to develop depression may result from personal conflicts or disputes with family members or friends.
Death or a loss. Sadness or grief from the death or loss of a loved one, though natural, may increase the risk of depression.
Genetics. A family history of depression may increase the risk. It’s thought that depression is a complex trait that may be inherited across generations, although the genetics of psychiatric disorders are not as simple or straightforward as in purely genetic diseases such as Huntington’s chorea or cystic fibrosis.
Major events. Even good events such as starting a new job, graduating, or getting married can lead to depression. So can moving, losing a job or income, getting divorced, or retiring.
Other personal problems. Problems such as social isolation due to other mental illnesses or being cast out of a family or social group can lead to depression.
Serious illnesses. Sometimes depression co-exists with a major illness or is a reaction to the illness.
Substance abuse. Nearly 30% of people with substance abuse problems also have major or clinical depression.